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Air conditioner and air temperature hand control

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Maintenance guide: How to check that your air conditioner is working properly




It’s important to check your air conditioner before the weather gets too hot. No matter if it’s portable or window-mounted, this appliance need routine maintenance to be able to keep you cool when a heat wave strikes. Follow the steps below.

Time: 1 hour
Level of difficulty: Low

1. If you have a stand-alone air conditioner that is not connected to a central system or a heat pump, take it out of storage and test it. Given how heavy they are, it is better to check window-mounted air conditioners when ready to install. 

2. Wait before connecting the air conditioner. Wash the filter in the back first, or replace it with a new one if needed. 

3. Clean the entire appliance with a damp cloth and a cleaning product. Don’t forget the vents. 

4. For portable air conditioners, make sure you have the two hoses needed: the water drain hose and the hose that vents the warm air from the compressor to the outside. 

5. Install a material like Plexiglass or PVC board in the window through which the hoses will pass (for a portable air conditioner) or to secure the appliance (if it’s window-mounted) and insulate the opening. 

6. After completing these steps, plug the air conditioner into a power outlet and check that the forced air is cold. There shouldn’t be any foul odours. 

7. If the air conditioner comes with a remote control, test it and change the batteries if needed.  

N.B. If you use a reusable cloth instead of single-use paper towel, you will save money while helping protect the environment. You can also make a homemade cleaning product with water, vinegar and essential oils. 

Do you prefer to leave your air conditioner's scheduled maintenance and repairs to the experts? Find a verified heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) contractor near you in just a few clicks with HomeExpress, an online referral service provided by RenoAssistance.

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Photo: Adobe Stock/adrian_ilie825

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